Terms & Conditions
Updated on 05/02/2020
The use of this Website https://www.chapeau-rouge.fr (hereinafter the “Website”) implies full and unconditional acceptance of the Terms and Conditions set out below. These Terms and Conditions may be modified at any time. Users of the Website are advised to consult them regularly.
The Website is normally accessible to users at all times. However, the Website may decide to interrupt access to carry out technical maintenance and will endeavor to inform users of the date and time of such maintenance.
The Website is updated regularly by https://www.chapeau-rouge.fr. Similarly, these Terms and Conditions may be modified without notice at any time. They are binding on the user who is therefore advised to consult them regularly.
1 - Owner
This Website, available at the following address https://www.chapeau-rouge.fr is the property of HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS (hereinafter HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS).
- Address of the registered office: 5 rue Michelet 21000 Dijon
- SIRET number: 33979191500020
- VAT number: FR41 339 791 915
- Business activity (NAF/APE code): 5510Z
- Legal form: SAS
- RCS registration: RCS DIJON
- Share capital: 336 000,00 euros
- Legal representative: William FRACHOT in his capacity as President
- Publication Manager: Aurélie BONNEFOY in his capacity as Commercial Accomodation Manager
- Data Protection Officer (DPO): Catherine BROCARD in his capacity as Accounting
- CNIL declaration number: DPO - 9060
Contact us:
- Address: 5 rue Michelet 21000 Dijon
- Phone number: +33 3 80 50 88 88
- Contact email: contact@chapeau-rouge.fr
- Reservation email: contact@chapeau-rouge.fr
- Data Protection Officer email: catherine.brocard@chapeau-rouge.fr
- Website: https://www.chapeau-rouge.fr
2 – Design
This Website, accessible at https://www.chapeau-rouge.fr, has been designed and developed by Diadao Productive, a limited liability company (SARL) with share capital of €7,640.00 legally registered with the Montpellier RCS register under the number 443 748 397 00041 and with the VAT number FR34443748397. The registered office is located Zone Ecoparc – 625 Avenue de la Saladelle 34130 Saint-Aunès - France.
Diadao is an agency specialized in providing online and marketing services to hotels, restaurants, spas, and tourism operators. The Website Artistic Director is Mr. Serge Bija, an external provider from the Diadao digital communication agency.
How to contact Diadao Productive:
- Address: Zone Ecoparc - 625 Avenue de la Saladelle 34130 Saint-Aunès - France
- Phone number: +33 (0)4 67 40 22 73
- Contact email: contact@diadao.fr
- Website: https://www.diadao.fr
3 - Website Host
The website, which can be accessed at https://www.chapeau-rouge.fr, is hosted by o2switch, a simplified joint stock company (SAS) with capital of 100,000.00 euros, registered in the Clermont-Ferrand Trade and Companies Register under number 510 909 807 00032, whose registered office is at Chemin des Pardiaux 63000 Clermont-Ferrand - France.
To contact them:
· Address: Chemin des Pardiaux 63000 Clermont-Ferrand - France
· Telephone number: 04 44 44 60 40
· Website: https://www.o2switch.fr/
4 - Website Content & Copyright
This Website and all its contents may contain confidential information or information protected by legislation on intellectual property or other applicable laws.
Unless indicated otherwise, all Website content, general structure, texts, sounds and images whether animated or not, are the exclusive property of HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS. It is forbidden for users to copy, modify, create a derivative work, assemble, decompile, sublicense or transfer any element on the Website or any content item whatsoever, except for personal usage.
Any total or partial representation of the Website and its contents, by any means, without prior specific authorization from HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS is strictly prohibited and will constitute an act of counterfeiting punishable under the Intellectual Property Code.
- Photos: © Julien FAURE - Thomas BECKKER - Seignette DE LA FONTAN
5 - License to use the Website Content
By accessing the Website or using the services, the user acknowledges that he/she accept a license granted by HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS, to use the Website content subject to the following imperative restrictions:
The license is granted on a non-exclusive, non-assignable basis. The user’s right of use is personal and private: this means that any reproduction of Website content on any medium whatsoever for collective or personal use, even within the user’s company, is prohibited. The same prohibition applies to any communication of Website content electronically, even when such communication is over a corporate internet or extranet.
The right of use includes only the permission to consult the website and its contents. This use only includes permission to reproduce by storage for representation on a single screen and such reproduction by storage is only allowed for use on a single computer screen or for paper printouts. Any other use is subject to prior specific authorization from HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS. The breach of any of these provisions shall subject the perpetrator and any other person responsible for such breach, to the criminal and civil sanctions applicable under French and European law.
6 – Contractual Limitations regarding Technical Data
The Website has been developed using the Wordpress CMS (PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS).
The Website may not be held liable for any material damage resulting from the use of the Website. Moreover, the user of the site agrees to access the website using recent equipment, free of any viruses and with latest generation updated browser.
The Website is hosted by a provider, AGS Cloud (Access Global Security), on the territory of the European Union, in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR: 2016/679).
The objective is to provide a service that ensures the best possible accessibility rate. The host ensures the continuity of its service 24 hours a day, every day of the year. However, it reserves the right to interrupt the hosting service for the shortest possible periods of time, in particular for maintenance purposes, to improve its infrastructures, in case of infrastructure failures or if the services generate unusual traffic volumes.
https://www.chapeau-rouge.fr and the hosting provider will not be held liable in any case of malfunctioning of the Internet network, telephone lines or computer equipment or any network congestion preventing access to the server.
7 – European Data Protection Act
HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS, with share capital of 336 000,00 euros, legally registered with the RCS DIJON RCS under the number 33979191500020, is liable for the use made of the information collected on the Website. The person to be contacted for any questions about data collection is Catherine BROCARD in his capacity as Accounting.
The data collected and stored is hosted by the company EHR SOFT Groupe QuatuHoRe, SARL, with share capital of 7 622,45 euros legally registered with the RCS B 398 346 841 RSC under the number 398 346 841 00040, whose registered office is located 10 Impasse Lichard 31140 Aucamville.
EHR SOFT Groupe QuatuHoRe is a company which provides PMS (Property Management System) software, called VEGA, for customer relationship management. EHR Soft is a subsidiary belonging to the QuatuHoRe group which is a specialist in hotel IT.
How to contact them:
- Address: 10 Impasse Lichard 31140 Aucamville
- Phone number: +33 5 61 70 61 20
- Contact email: ehrsoft@quatuhore.fr
- Website: www.quatuhore.fr
The user is informed that, according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR: 2016/679), the data given in forms posted on the Website are required to enable the company to address the request and are intended for the services in charge of replying to requests and monitoring such requests. The data collected on this Website through the form will be kept for a period of period of 48 months for occasional visitors and for period of 48 months for the clients of HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS. After these periods, the personal data will be deleted or anonymised.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR: 2016/679), the user has a right to access, correct, update and erase data concerning him/her and these rights can be exercised by contacting Catherine BROCARD by email at catherine.brocard@chapeau-rouge.fr, or by post at 5 rue Michelet 21000 Dijon, specifying in the subject of the email or the letter “Droits relatifs à la protection de votre vie privée” and attaching a copy of an identity document. The Website also provides you with a form to exercise your rights. Just click on the following link: https://www.chapeau-rouge.fr/en/gdpr-form
You also have the right to give instructions on the fate of your data after your death.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR: 2016/679), the user may also object, for legitimate reasons, to his/her data being processed , and without having to give a reason and at no cost, to his/her data being used for commercial prospecting purposes.
Website users are required to adhere to the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR: 2016/679), any breach of which may be punished as a criminal offence. In particular the user must abstain, in the case of particular data to which he or she has access, from any collection, inappropriate use and, generally speaking, any actions likely to interfere with other people’s privacy or reputation.
8 – Data Security
The Website uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol which is the most widely used protocol worldwide. It is used to secure and encrypt the information conveyed between HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS and the users of the website. The key to the success of SSL encryption is its incredible simplicity for users. Browsers are warned of the presence of the SSL security protocol when a padlock is displayed and the presence of the https protocol in the url. You can therefore securely send information to HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS.
To protect the security and confidentiality of personal data, the Website uses networks protected by standard systems such as a firewall, pseudonymisation, encryption and passwords.
When processing personal data, the Website takes all reasonable measures to protect it against loss, misuse, unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration or destruction.
The information required to respond to user requests, such as surnames, first names, addresses, user emails, are indicated by an asterisk on the collection forms. If fields marked with an asterisk are not filled, HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS will not be able to process user requests.
The subcontractor in data storage solution:
VEGA software makes it possible to define technical and organizational measures within the hotel making it possible to protect user data in an appropriate manner according to their nature, the extent of processing and their accessibility. Respect for your data is essential for all of the hotel's partners and service providers.
For online booking services, user data is stored on a centralised server hosted by the provider D-EDGE .
9 – Booking and Payment System
When booking on the Website, the user is at times redirected to a subcontractor who offers a solution to manage bookings and payments.
The personal data collected are shared with the company D-EDGE, Simplified Joint Stock Company (SAS), with a share capital of €12,700,298.40, legally registered with the Paris RCS under the number 431 513 852 00076, whose registered office is located at 14-16 Boulevard Poissonnière 75009 Paris - France.
The data collected with the company D-EDGE are used for booking and customer management purposes, for billing and payment purposes and for conducting sales and satisfaction surveys.
How to contact D-EDGE:
- Address: 14-16 Boulevard Poissonnière 75009 Paris – France
- Phone number: +33 (0)1 44 71 05 05
- Contact form: https://www.d-edge.com/contact
- Website: https://www.d-edge.com
- Privacy policy: https://www.d-edge.com/privacy-policy
10 – Cookies
When accessing the Website, a cookie may be automatically placed and stored temporarily in the user’s browser software or on the user’s hard drive.
A cookie is a block of data that does not enable users to be identified but that is used to collect information on the user’s browsing so as to facilitate use of the Site (such as the pages viewed, the date and the access time, etc.). The information collected on this site will be kept for period of 13 months. The browser software settings can inform the user about the presence of cookies and how they can refuse.
The user has a right to access, withdraw and modify personal data communicated by means of the cookies under the conditions indicated above. Users have the right to oppose the recording of cookies by setting the appropriate parameters in their browser. However, this operation will delete all cookies used by the browser, including those used by other websites, and this may lead to the alteration or loss of certain settings or information. For more information, read our Cookie Policy.
11 - Trademarks
Any of the HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS trademarks which may be displayed on the Website are the exclusive property of HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS. Any total or partial reproduction of these trademarks without prior specific authorisation from HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS is therefore prohibited.
12 - Hyperlinks & Backlinks
The hyperlinks set up as part of this Site leading to other resources on the Internet, cannot incur the liability of HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS. Users of the Site may not set up hyperlinks to this Site, without the explicit and prior authorisation of HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS.
Following the explicit and prior authorization of HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS, the hyperlink https://www.chapeau-rouge.fr must be accompanied by a brief and precise descriptive text which informs the user of the advantages and precise nature of the activity of HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS. The link must be visible and may appear in the "Partners" tab of your website. To obtain the explicit and prior authorisation of HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS, you can contact us by email at contact@chapeau-rouge.fr, or by post at 5 rue Michelet 21000 Dijon, specifying in the subject of the email or the letter “Hyperlinks” and attaching your URL website address and the location of the link.
13 - Authorisation to reproduce content
For any information and request to reproduce content published on the Site (texts, graphics, illustrations, images, animated or not and sounds) regardless of the medium, the user is invited to submit their requests by email to contact@chapeau-rouge.fr specifying in the subject of the email or the letter “Authorisation to reproduce content" and indicating the part you wish to reproduce as well as the context of this request.
14 - Privacy Policy
HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS respects your privacy and undertakes to protect it. This statement is intended to inform you of our privacy policy and practices, as well as the choices you can make about how your details are collected online and how they are used. The website and our business activities are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute arising out of your use of our website, only the French Courts are competent. For more information, see our Privacy Policy.
15 – Changes to the Website and the Terms & Conditions
HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS endeavours to ensure to the best of its ability that the information published on the Site is accurate and up to date. The information contained on the Site is not contractual in nature and HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS reserves the right to change the content of the Site and these terms and conditions of use at any time without notice. These changes are binding on you and we recommend that you regularly consult the Site to read the general conditions of use in force. However, HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or completeness of the content available on the Site and invites the user to contact HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS directly.
16 - The extrajudicial settlement of consumer disputes
In accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations in force, any consumer has the right to have recourse free of charge to a consumer mediator with a view to the amicable resolution of the dispute which opposes him/her to a professional, i.e. in this case HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS. To this end, HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS guarantees the consumer effective recourse to a consumer mediation system.
In order to facilitate access to mediation and in accordance with legal obligations, HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS designates the following mediator as a referent for the resolution of consumer disputes:
Tourism and Travel Ombudsman (MTV)
Website to contact the mediator: https://www.mtv.travel/saisir-le-mediateur/
Consumers may contact the Tourism and Travel Ombudsman in the event of a dispute that has not been resolved directly with HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS, by following the instructions and procedures indicated on the above-mentioned website. The request for mediation must be made within a reasonable time of the written complaint addressed to HOSTELLERIE DU CHAPEAU ROUGE SAS.
It should be noted that mediation is a voluntary and non-binding process for both parties. It is not a substitute for traditional legal recourse should mediation fail.
17 - More information about cookies
The operating company invites you to consult the CNIL website at the following address: CNIL website, Master your navigator.